Thursday, June 9, 2016


* Please see Post 9-14-11 for "Cornbread"explanation

Maybe you have thought to yourself, or even told someone, that you wonder what kind of (Fill  in the Blank) someone would have made.

I am increasingly proud and inspired by what my dear friend, Ronald Harrison, HAS made.

Ronald has battled heart attacks and multiple surgeries to "live everyday as a bonus." His attitude of enjoying life now and being confident of his future is something that makes you feel better just talking to him.

Give me 5 minutes to chat with someone and I can surmise what things are really most important in that person's life. Every conversation I have ever had with him since we have grown up includes his family. His wife, daughters, grand kids, his original home family are always topics number 1, 2, & 3 with him.

In our modern Selfie-driven, family ignoring, and Devil destroying world, Ronald is a real Man among selfish weaklings. I speak from experience. While I was becoming a professional success in the military and educational world, I was flunking out in the most important subject of all---my family. I continue to pay a high, high price for my failures.

Ronald Harrison, my true cornbread and life long friend, I salute you for showing me what is really important in life!


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