Thursday, June 30, 2016

Austin The Powerless--Chapter 2

          Austin The Powerless---Chapter 2
     Contains Some Mild Sexual References--Adult Readers Only

                      A Fictional Story---Read Chapter 1 First

In college, Austin was hardly a date-every-night playboy. However, he was never a candidate for the wall flower of the year award. Sometimes he displayed a sarcastic, maybe even cruel, sense of humor. He had three girls who he dated when not in college. They lived in close proximately of each other in his home county. To fully understand what happened you must understand that this was in the day of typewriters, carbon paper, and thin onion skin paper. He sought to terminate his relationship with the trio of girls and have some fun at the same time. The syrupy love letter was made in three copies and the space after the “My most precious” line was left blank. Prior to sending the letters he filled in the name of each girl in ball point pen. Surely, the three would get the joke and realize he was breaking up with them.

Feeling girlfriend free, he was shocked to get a letter from one of the “carbon copy” recipients in which she stated she had shown her letter to a girl who had also received a carbon copy love letter from this same college Romeo. The dump all three at once plan worked; however, one girl wrote him to say she never wanted to see him again. Wonder why?

It was every college boy’s dream; Austin was in the college library at a study table and the girl on the other side removed one of her shoes and slowly started rubbing his leg with her now shoeless foot. BINGO! A frantic, short romance followed. What the relationship lacked in duration it was more than off-set by intensity. Austin told a friend in his dorm that Miss Footsy was his best kisser up to that point! He later saw her in a restaurant with a much older man. He theorized each got what they wanted!

One of his college summer vacation romances was coming to an end and the girlfriend threw every insult imaginable at Austin, including the worst breakup line he ever heard, “And my sister doesn’t like you either!” It is one thing to have a girl dump you, but something else again for her sister to pile on as well!

Austin should have probably considered himself lucky because a high school friend once told him that when he called it quits with a long-time girlfriend, her mother did everything but hit him!

Somehow Austin was made aware of the rumored, all-time break up story. A couple of very intense high school sweethearts had a big league breakup and the girl ran crying into her house and her grandfather came out with a shotgun. Fearing death or serious injury, the fellow evaded the protective gun wielder and found undetected refuge by crawling under a car! This account redefines “Any port in a storm!” 

Glenn <><
Just West of Yesterday



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