Wednesday, June 15, 2016



I didn't want to do it! The temperature today is 97 F and about 107 F inside our garage. We have that small garage packed with an assortment of grandkids trophies, pictures, school items, and enough Boy Scout camping equipment to equip a small army. My "toys" of fishing, astronomy, ham radio gear, plus 20 years of Air Force stuff took up over half of the space. My dear wife only has a few items in that museum of relics. Cars have long since said goodbye to protection and comfort.

Beyond the high temperatures and a zillion items, the real danger is reading some of the history of our family that photos and memorabilia reveals, looking at real typewriter material, and realizing many of the photos and letters were from people who have crossed the finish and answered the only roll call that counts.

Today was a self-imposed time machine journey to yesterday. It was funny in spots, sad in others, and a needful wakeup call that most of the saved stuff was just that---stuff. Best guess is I have 3 more days. It is bad, real bad!

Glenn <><
Just West of Yesterday

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